admin7's picture
Posted by admin7 on February 17, 2012

Here are a few tips from a fellow dreamer as you transition towards and work towards dream fulfillment:

1.  Dream on.  Keep the dream alive. Take time to feed your imagination.  Keep fresh in your mind the reason why you started  dreaming.  Feed your spirit appropriate to your dream.

2.  Be aware of dream-killers and people who will tell you "it's impossible" or "you are crazy".  Ignore people who do not believe in you.  Learn from comments and positive criticism.

3.  Hug and hold close people who believe in your dream and encourage you.  Value them.

4.  Every now again - take a hard close look at yourself and evaluate progress.  Be prepared to make adjustments and changes as you travel.

4.  Develop yourself and prepare for dream fulfillment. What qualities and abilities will you need at dream fulfillment?  Boy scout motto - "Be prepared"

5.  Do your part and do what it takes.  Find out what is required and exercise due diligence 

6.  Maintain momentum.  Sometime progress is one step at a time.  Remember - the Chinese proverb - the journey of a thousand miles begins (and continues) with one step.

7.  Stay positive 100%.  This will serve you well and help you roll easily over any bumps and hurdles on the way.

Dream on

Your thoughts  - comments welcome....