admin7's picture
Posted by admin7 on October 31, 2011

The word "influence" has been a lot on my mind over the past few days.  Influence as defined by is the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others
This has an on-going fascination for me.  Being influential.  Helping others.  Making the world a better place.  This warms my heart...

This photo above summarizes influence.  It was taken at the CAPEC school in Cameroon.  Donors on Globalgiving have been helping to support this school and causes worldwide.  In these days of economic pressures, families in the developing world appreciate all the assistance they can get towards keeping their kids in school.  Helping a child stay in school is influence.  This means much more than you would realize...
Make a firm resolve to extend your influence.  Then take action.  Do it today.  It will warm your heart.